Can parrots eat hazelnuts?(Are They Safe?)

Parrots can enjoy hazelnuts on occasion, yes. However, keep in mind that a human diet isn’t ideal for parrots because their dietary needs are different from ours.

High-quality commercial feed that is specifically made for parrots is the foundation of a healthy diet, and this should be supplemented with a variety of vegetables and fruits that are fresh.

The occasional hazelnut is fine for a parrot’s diet, but they shouldn’t be a regular staple.

It’s additionally essential to remember that hazelnuts, like all nuts, contain a lot of healthy fats. In order to avoid digestive problems, they should be administered cautiously.

What are Hazelnuts for Parrots?

Hazelnuts, sometimes known as filberts, are the edible seeds from the hazel tree (Corylus spp.).

These bite-sized, rounded nuts come wrapped in a tough, brown shell and are indigenous to Europe and Asia.

For many humans, hazelnuts have turned into a favored ingredient in a range of culinary delights, from chocolates and spreads to savory meals.

But what makes hazelnuts appealing isn’t just their taste. They’re packed with nutrition.

These nuts offer a good dose of protein, beneficial fats, and essential vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin E, magnesium, and manganese.

These nutrients are known for various health benefits, from supporting heart health to aiding in maintaining radiant skin and hair, and even bolstering the immune system.

For parrots, while hazelnuts can be a delicious treat, it’s essential to offer them in moderation.

Parrots might enjoy the unique, mildly sweet, and creamy taste of hazelnuts, making them a delightful occasional treat.

However, always ensure any nuts given to parrots are unsalted and free from any additives or coatings.

Hazelnuts, in moderation, can be a healthy and delicious treat for parrots. Parrots can greatly benefit from the nutrients found in hazelnuts.

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Health Benefits of Hazelnuts for Parrots.

Protein-Rich Diet.

Like other birds, parrots need protein to maintain healthy organs and muscles.

A few hazelnuts can help satisfy the craving. For instance, 20 hazelnuts have 4.2 grams of protein.

Hazelnuts can contribute to their daily protein intake when paired with a varied diet of seeds, pellets, and fresh meals.

High-Fiber Diet.

Fiber is abundant in hazelnuts. Parrots can benefit from this dietary fiber because it aids in digestion and encourages regular bowel movements.

High in protective antioxidants.

The antioxidant content of hazelnuts is quite diverse. Vitamin E along with selenium are particularly helpful, as they both protect cells from damage and reduce free radical production.

Minerals and vitamins in abundance.

The high nutrient content of hazelnuts is one of their best features. The magnesium, vitamin B6, folate, as well as manganese that can be found in these nuts are beneficial to a parrot’s health and vitality.

Even though hazelnuts along with other nuts are healthy, they should not be part of your parrot’s regular diet and instead served as a special treat on special occasions.

How to Feed Hazelnuts to Parrots?

Hazelnuts are surrounded by a tough, outer shell. Before feeding them to your parrot, you should remove this shell, as parrots might find it difficult to crack them open.

It’s important to note that once the shell is removed, the hazelnut starts to oxidize and can become stale quickly.

Thus, it’s best to de-shell the hazelnuts shortly before you plan to offer them to your parrot.

You should also be cautious about the quantity. Typically, one or two hazelnuts are a sufficient treat for a medium to large parrot.

If you want to mix it up, you can combine hazelnuts with other bird-safe nuts like pine nuts, almonds, and cashews.

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It’s best to crush or chop the nuts into smaller pieces and offer them as a treat between regular meals or mix them with their fresh fruit and vegetable offerings.

These nuts can also be sprinkled in moderate amounts over their primary food.

Ensure the nuts you provide are free from added salt or sugar. Excessive salt or sugar is not healthy for parrots, with salted nuts potentially causing excessive thirst or even more severe health issues.

If you consider offering peanuts, always ensure they aren’t raw.

While peanuts are protein-rich, raw peanuts contain an enzyme that might not be suitable for parrots.

Possible Dangers Associated with Giving Hazelnuts to Parrots:

Parrots, especially younger ones or those who aren’t used to handling larger, harder goodies, should avoid giving them whole hazelnuts because they pose a choking risk.

Crushing or cutting hazelnuts into manageable pieces will reduce this risk and make them safe for your parrot to eat.

Although hazelnuts do include healthful fats, they are nonetheless high in calories.

Parrots who consume too many hazelnuts may acquire weight, which can lead to health problems like lethargy and a weakened immune system.

Treat Rule: Hazelnuts and similar treats should adhere to the 90/10 rule in your parrot’s diet.

This means that treats, like hazelnuts, should constitute no more than 10% of their daily food intake, while the remaining 90% should derive from a well-balanced, nutritionally complete parrot feed.

Other Nutty Treats for Parrots.

If your parrots have taken a liking to hazelnuts, they might also enjoy a variety of other nuts.

Here are some nutty treats you can consider for your feathered friends:


A favorite for many parrots, almonds are brimming with protein, beneficial fats, and vital nutrients.

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As with hazelnuts, ensure almonds are chopped or crushed for easier consumption and given in moderation.


Rich in protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants, walnuts can be a delightful treat for parrots.

Remember to de-shell them and break them into bite-sized pieces before offering.


Many parrots relish peanuts, but always opt for the unsalted, unflavored, and shelled variety.

Due to their high-fat content, it’s essential to be mindful of the quantity.

Sunflower Seeds:

A staple in many parrot diets, sunflower seeds are nutritious, offering protein, beneficial fats, and essential nutrients.

They can be offered whole or hulled, but it’s crucial to ensure they are unsalted.

Remember, just like hazelnuts, all these treats should be given in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Conclusion: Can parrots eat hazelnuts?

In conclusion, parrots can enjoy hazelnuts and other nuts in moderation as a special treat on occasion.

However, keep in mind that nuts shouldn’t make up a significant portion of your parrot’s diet.

High-quality pellets made especially for parrots, together with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, should make up the bulk of a parrot’s diet.

Parrots can eat nuts, but you need to remove the shells and chop or crush them first.

This makes digestion simpler and eliminates any risk of suffocation.

In addition, avoid giving your parrot any salted nuts, as they aren’t an essential element of their diet and might cause health problems if given in excess.

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